
Life Coach Zach Mental Health Course

12 PAGE MENTAL HEALTH COURSE + 5 audio files recorded by Zach outlining 4 weekly practices to implement into your every day life.


Hey guys, thanks so much for checking out my Mental Health Course!

It was a pleasure putting in the time and effort formulating my first ever, easy to follow, 4 week Mental Health Course. I believe all of the practices in this course are the cornerstones to you becoming the strongest, best version of yourself. This course will not only enhance each of your days going forward but it will provide you with some amazing insight and knowledge on yourself, teaching you some things you possibly never ever thought about or considered before. The course will shine a light on your beliefs, your habits, your thought patterns and your personality allowing you to ask yourself some important questions. I’ve implemented all of these practices into my daily life and I continue to practice them to this day.

We go to the gym and we practice eating healthy, both things are designed to keep our body healthy and strong, but what are some of the activities we can do to become mentally stronger?


  • In the course I teach you ways you can be more CONSCIOUS on a daily basis.
  • More AWARE of your thoughts and feelings every day.
  • How to increase your EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.
  • How to be more MINDFUL and ultimately happier.

Here are all the benefits you will receive from purchasing my Mental Health Course!

  • 4 – 30 MINUTE MENTAL HEALTH ACCOUNTABILITY CALLS with Zach at the end of each week so he can check-in, learn more about you, and provide any additional guidance with the course.
  • 5 CHALLENGES to get you back on track to build the mental strength you deserve.
  • 5 AUDIO TRACKS RECORDED BY ZACH made available via a password protected private webpage detailing each different mental health practice in the course and how you can effectively implement each of them immediately.
  • 12 PAGE MENTAL HEALTH COURSE extensively outlining 4 weekly practices to implement into your every day life.

I’m proud of you for taking the next step on your mental health journey!

I’m excited for you to put these mental health practices in place and to get to know you a little better so I can serve you as powerfully as possible!